About Your Midwife

Johanna Bond, CPM, RM is a registered midwife in the state of Colorado. She has been passionate about supporting families of all kinds throughout their perinatal experience ever since the 3rd grade. She was drawn to the deep connections that can be made during the transformative period that is pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum. She finds the greatest joy in witnessing and supporting the visceral and life affirming intuitive realizations uncovered in the process of becoming a parent. Johanna believes that birthing people have everything they need within themselves and her job is to support that journey. 
Johanna began attending births in California as a doula in 2016 in both hospital and birth center settings, complementing her skills as a nanny, a home health aide (CNA) and volunteering at her local birth center.  In 2019 she took the next step and began midwifery school. As an apprentice, she and her clients worked together throughout the early part of the pandemic adapting to the ever-shifting landscape of covid-19. This included navigating telehealth, keeping up with hospital protocols, fewer support people at births, and tapping into resiliency all while learning the essential skills of midwifery. Johanna completed her midwifery education, graduating in March of 2022 and moved with her husband to Aurora to be closer to family and be back in her heart’s home of Colorado. She is dedicated to continuing education and is always looking for ways to invest her time and resources into expanding midwifery access in the the state of Colorado. 
Johanna’s philosophy is rooted in choice; she is dedicated to evidence-based practice, shared decision-making and checking in with intuition. She believes that empowerment comes from sharing information, self education, exploration and a willingness to have honest conversations.  Johanna cultivates joy in her relationships and believes that a sense of humor and the ability to be a lifelong learner are key to providing a safe and personable experience. Outside of midwifery Johanna enjoys spending time with family, reading, knitting, being near water (kayaking/swimming/etc.) and hiking when the weather is nice (no ice climbing for her).